Mapping: Made in Macao II
Mapping: Made in Macau II was an immersive audio-visual experience projecting on the façade of the Yuqing Mansion at the Mandarin’s House. The performance was divided into four chapters: The Origin, Golden Period, Degradation and Renovation. Through sound and images, the audience experienced various events that took place at The Mandarin’s House in chronological order. Traces of the life of the House’s former owner, Zheng Guanying, was also presented. Creation: MAVA (Macau Audiovisual Alpha)
Producer: Casber U
Assistant Producer: Kamyi Lee
Video Creation: Casber U, Grace Wong, Hugo Ao, Joyce Kuok, Kathy Ngoi, Kamyi Lee, Nico Liu, Puzzle Lai, Stephan Chan, Wong Hong Tsun and Venus Chan
Music: Sou Yan Ting and Gigi Lee
Mandarin House, Macau
Macau Arts Festival
approx. 15 minutes
5/26/2013 – 6/8/2013