Kolob is a destination known as “The first creation, nearest to the celestial, or the residence of God.” Choreographer Jodi Porter strives to create visual realms of existence through a series images, movement and original music that aims to transcend the audience’s awareness from temporal to spiritual. Dancers: Nuri Baylerian, , Matt Kuang, Amelia Laughlin, MarieElena Martingano, Ruchama Sonand, Paife O’Mara, Angelica Mondol Viana.
Technical director: Cristian Gomez
Scene designer: Alexander Grover
Costume designer Chardonnay Tobar
Lighting designer Rose Malone,
Video designer Kamyi Lee,
VR Film by James Hurwitz
Musician: Tim Johnson, Sean Renner
Sharon Disney Lund Dance Theater,
California Institute of the Arts
March 03, 2017
50 Minutes